
Ranting and A General Breakdown

I'm not even sure how to start this; right now, I'm just so freaking MAD and pissed off at pretty much everyone and everything. As you can probably guess, today was a generally crappy day; while first period (AP Stats) was pretty good - I finished my homework early and was allowed to do whatever I wanted - right after I left AP Biology, I had to face my ex-boyfriend and his new girlfriend.

Yeah. Apparently they're actually going out now. In the end, I literally fled; I just couldn't stand it. Not that I'm not happy for them; I really am, and I'm glad they've found each other and all that. It's just...I don't know. Envy, I guess: envy that after going to our school for all of five weeks, Anastasia was already going out with someone. That probably sounds really petty and pathetic, but it's how I feel: my whole life, no one has ever really loved me, or liked me for who I am. I've always had to change just to get friends, and love's out of the question for me. I guess I'm just not lovable, or whatever...

So that led to a lonely break; I ended up just hiding in my AP English Language and Composition class, because there was no where else to go. Lunch was a so-so affair; I spent my time doing history terms in the library, being ignored by everyone else (joy...). AP US History wasn't worth commenting on; we had a lecture about forms of art between the Revolutionary War and the Civil War in the school's 'lecture hall', and that was pretty much it. Piano lessons afterwards, then home for a bit before heading off to Jordaine's house - she's this nine year old Asian girl I'm tutoring/teaching piano - then back home, and...yeah. That's pretty much it.

Although, the one thing that really worries me is my friend, Tiffany. She's been having a hard time lately, and during AP Bio she had to leave. I don't know what's wrong, really, other than stress from school, but I'm worried about her. I hope she feels better... :[

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